My final version of this project. 
The Problem: When I was a freshman in college, my professor challenged us to make a typography-based poster on an issue that we believed in. I chose to make mine about feminism, and about all the hurtful sexist phrases that people have said to me (original project pictured below). Now that I am in my senior year, and this issue has become even more important to discuss due to the change of abortion laws in Texas, I decided to rework my past assignment using some of the photoshop techniques I learned while at school.  
My Process: I ended up writing out a short speech (pictured below) of what I wanted to say to the men of the world, and then used my knowledge in photoshop to have my speech form the image of a girl. The hardest part of this project was actually finding a good source image of a girl to use, but once I found this amazing one on a free for use photo site, the project quickly came together. 
Outcomes: I am really proud of this poster and am currently seeking ways to spread it throughout the world since I truly believe that if people stopped and looked at it for a bit, it could help change some minds. 
First version of the project, made in 2018
First version of the project, made in 2018
Text I wrote and used to create the updated version of the poster
Text I wrote and used to create the updated version of the poster
Original Image used in updated poster
Original Image used in updated poster
Color I chose to use for the poster
Color I chose to use for the poster
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